Project Timeline: January 2024 – December 2026
Funding Body: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) RD&D Funding Programme

Transforming Conventional Homes into Super Homes
To accelerate the decarbonisation of integrated energy systems, conventional homes are being upgraded to "Super Homes" by introducing Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) like solar PV, Energy Storage, Heat Pump, and Electric Vehicle.
SuHSI's Aim
- SuHSI aims to develop a smart inverter for super homes that can seamlessly integrate DERs and is also compatible with the Irish Low Voltage Distribution Network (LVDN)
- Additionally, an efficient home energy management system will be designed to ultimately lower energy expenses for consumers.
- The new solutions will enhance the activities of empowering energy citizens and expedite the adoption of DERs to reduce carbon emissions in the distribution network.